The Foundations Course

Building Lasting Foundations For Life and Mission

Welcome to Foundations, a missional discipleship journey that for over five decades has been empowering thousands of people all around the world, from all walks of life to engage with the eternal word of God, the whole gospel of Jesus, the challenge to grow personally and the calling to bring the life of the Kingdom of God practically and tangibly into the world around them.

Foundations is a dialogue between a community of people, the living word of God and the challenges we all face in our humanity as we attempt to live as faithful followers of Jesus.

What People Say About the Foundations Journey…

“A very dynamic missional discipleship programme. It was probably the best programme I had experienced to date… …It is an amazing journey both for individuals and for groups. We have seen long term community impact in local communities here in Edmonton in our church communities.”

David Williams, President of Taylor Seminary, Canada 

“It was a catalyst for me in my christian walk, it made me want to dig deeper into who God is and who I am in Christ. And so When I look back at Foundations it was really for me a turning point on where I started taking my Christian journey more seriously”

Leohandra Graham, Ministry Worker, Jamaica

“It ignites the vision of how we can connect with the community rather than just expecting them to sort of come to us”

Dierdre Dobson, Australia

“Its the whole package of living for God.”

Rev, David Knox, Australia 

“All the foundations that you really need to build your christian life you will find it here in one week… The first time I did it eleven years ago it was a key point for me to find my calling”

Bira, Brazil, Missionary to Japan

“Its been so life giving for me, I feel as if i’ve been renewed from top to toes”

Anne Nanscawen, Faith Worker, Australia

“If you are someone who really wants to in your relationship with God and also live out the mission God has called you for I think this is the course you should be taking”

Khular, Faith Worker, India

“This course has given me a practical framework and practical ways to deal with real people and have real relationships whilst living with God, Living with Others and living with myself. It’s just given me a much better understanding of how to put God’s Mission or the mission of Christ into practice.”

Sally, Australia

To discover more about Foundations or explore upcoming courses in your region or simply to discover more please contact us! We’d love to hear from you.